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Global Warming - Not strictly technology, but definitely science.

Ever since the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Al Gore, skepticism about the science surrounding global warming has gained more and more press. I admire Mr. Gore not because of his stance on the subject, but because he has devoted so much time and effort to a cause that ostensibly affects the world community. Even the respected scientists that disagree haven't provided a cogent argument against the well constructed presentation that Mr. Gore has given.

The arguments for and against global warming have their valid points, so what are we to believe? Is this just a natural phenomenon or cause and effect? If we examine other environmental pollution such as our waterways and atmosphere, it seems clear that mankind has definitely caused those catastrophes. No rational person would suggest that water pollution is a natural phenomenon. So why is global warming subject to such skepticism? My guess is that even though the median temperature is allegedly increasing, we are still experiencing extremely cold and rugged winter seasons. I definitely believe that we have influenced our climate in a negative manner. I also believe that if we don't change our fossil fuel consumption rate, we will not only cause catastrophic atmospheric conditions, but geological issues as well. The science behind global warming makes sense to me and I believe that we should take heed now while we can still breathe the available air.


Verizon iPhone….. YEAAAA!

As I reported last time, I had to return my BlackBerry Storm2 due to a cracked screen (my fault) and Best Buy doesn't carry them anymore, even for replacement. So I was forced to take an Android phone (the HTC Incredible) or terminate my contract and get something else. I like the Incredible although, it took a while to find all of the apps that I needed to make it compatible with my usage patterns. Now, Verizon announced the availability of the iPhone and I'm torn. I have 4 months left on my contract and I'm not unhappy with the HTC device but like everyone else, I do like the iPhone's look and features. I consulted with someone who sells devices on all of the networks and he said that he thought the HTC Incredible was even better than the iPhone and as much as I hate to admit it, he may be right!

Before all of you fanboys start whining, the comparison is not just based on looks. While Apple has the definitive industrial stylist working for them, the phone still needs to make calls and perform other functions as advertised and I believe that the higher quality Android devices have equaled or surpassed what is available on the iPhone. The HTC Incredible was the first of the Android phones to include all of the bells and whistles (1ghz processor, 8mp camera, MicroSD Expansion, Multi-touch, WiFi Hotspot) and it performs well on the cellular network.

On the other hand, I think RIM is ready to announce the availability of the Storm 3. I really did like the Storm form factor and the functions were excellent. The only issue I had was the on screen keyboard. If they could either improve that or add a slide out keyboard (in landscape orientation) then I would definitely go back to a BlackBerry.